In order to avoid installation failure, it is recommended to use kubeadm to build the cluster. how to use kubeadm to build a Kubernetes cluster
Edgeadm is a command-line tool for edge cluster management, desiged by superedge team
sudo chmod +x edgeadm && ./edgeadm change
Notice: edgeadm should run at Master Node when have no kubeconfig
transform a native Kubernestes cluster into edge Kubernetes cluster
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm change
edgeadm will read kubeconfig from ${home}/.kube/config and read certificate from /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.*.
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm change --kubeconfig [kubeconfig file] --ca.cert [cluster ca certificate file] --ca.key [cluster ca key file]
after run successfully,you will get this message:
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm change
Create tunnel-coredns.yaml success!
Deploy helper-job-master* success!
Kubeadm Cluster Change To Edge cluster Success!
<1>. edgeadm will pull images of SuperEdge from docker hub, amd64 and arm64 are supported. If you need to deploy your own compiled images, please step to “mainfests”.
<2>. The order of priority is: –kubeconfig > Env KUBECONFIG > ~/.kube/config
revert a edge Kubernetes cluster to native Kubernestes cluster
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm revert
edgeadm will read kubeconfig from ${home}/.kube/config and read certificate from /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.*.
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm revert -p kubeadm --kubeconfig [kubeconfig file] --ca.cert [cluster ca certificate file] --ca.key [cluster ca key file]
after run successfully,you will get this message:
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm revert
Deploy helper-job-node* success!
Deploy helper-job-master* success!
Kubeadm Cluster Revert To Edge Cluster Success!
save default superedge yamls
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm manifests
All supeeredge default yamls would be output into ./manifests/
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm manifests -m output_dir
To facilitate users to modify yaml before deploying superedge. edgeadm’s “change” cmd will help you after superedge yamls modified.
for example, you modify edge-health’s source code, and then build out it’s image and push into your private Repository, then you want to deploy your image, such as: edge-health:0.1.0, you can do:
[root@master01 ~]# edgeadm change -m ./manifests/
Notice: All parameters of yaml template generated under ./manifests/ can be changed and customized, please comply with kubernetes specification. You can specify a value for the parameter with {{.}}, and the remaining {{.}} will be assigned by edgeadm when use change command.
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